First is a logo design tutorial which even covers client presentation, and continues into a second part with designing for print. The design chapter consists of real-world design work. The illustration projects include a flat character design, a dramatically lit cityscape, an isometric illustration, a 3D character, and a hybrid vector/raster painting comp. Chapter three is a collection of five Illustration tutorials and chapter four is a collection of four Design tutorials.

The next two chapters are the most exciting as you get to dive right into the program through nine step-by-step tutorials in two categories. Things covered here are the pen tool, art boards, layers, objects, design grids, geometry tools, effects, etc. Here you get to learn the basics of working with design tools and best practices. The first is the interface tour, where you learn everything about the interface, each of the tools and panels, and generally get cozy to where things are. The book is divided into four main chapters.